
Options Offered

Bankruptcy Trade Claims

Trade Claims

CRG provides immediate liquidity to creditors who are holding debt against bankrupt companies by purchasing their receivable. CRG specializes in taking the guess work and expense out of the claim’s recovery process. CRG purchases all levels of debt in chapter 11 and chapter 7 cases, including trade receivables from vendors and service providers. 

Special Situations Financing

Situations Financing

CRG provides small to mid-sized bridge financings, advances of future cash flows, preference and litigation financing to debtors and/or trustees to pursue claims, vendor financing and various other bespoke bridge and term financing facilities designed to meet client need(s).

Bankruptcy Claims Administrative Services

Bankruptcy Claims
Administrative Services

CRG helps creditors protect their rights in bankruptcy cases to ensure they get the best possible resolution of their bankruptcy claims. CRG believes in proactively protecting against losing creditor rights and potential monetary recovery – using proprietary technology to monitor claims and the bankruptcy case to keep you aware and in control, leveraging CRG’s extensive track record of maximizing recoveries on bankruptcy claims.

About CRG

A Distressed Debt Investor


CRG Financial LLC (CRG) is a private investment firm specializing in providing liquidity solutions to creditors in connection with their claim(s) against entities in or that recently emerged from bankruptcy. Founded in 2009, CRG has executed on over 7,000 transactions aggregating more than $300mm across over 600 insolvency matters, enabling clients to focus their time, money and attention on running their business, while leaving the bankruptcy claim(s) to the experts at CRG.

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How it Works

3 Easy Steps
Step 1 - Discuss Options

Step 1 – Discuss Options

Learn how to avoid the waiting and uncertainty of claims recovery.

Step 2 - Sign Agreement

Step 2 - Sign Agreement

Send supporting documents to start the bankruptcy claims review process.

Step 3 - Funding

Step 3 - Payment

Get your money.